Airman Feature Articles

  • Efficiency With Modern Materials

    New designs on the fan duct panel for the KC-135 Stratotanker address a water intrusion problem that causes delamination. This delamination causes sustainment, maintenance and energy efficiency problems. The modified panel fixes these issues utilizing modern materials. The fan-ducts are being

  • Readiness through research

    The Department of the Air Force’s scientific research organization, commonly referred to as AFRL, conducts cutting-edge studies and experiments in a variety of areas to include aerospace technology and science. Ultimately, the work they do is in support of total-force Airmen and Guardians worldwide.

  • Experimental mechanical engineering

    Capt. Kavi Muraleetharan is a mechanical and aerospace developmental engineer at AFRL and was the recipient of an Edison Grant, which has funded his research in developing detonation engines.